Helping you live your best life

We’re WPS Advisory and BT have selected us to be part of their retirement advice panel.

At WPS, we help people like you make informed decisions about their future. We’re big believers that the choices you make now can have a real impact on your long-term goals. That’s why our focus is on helping you make the most of what you have today so you can get to where you want to be tomorrow. 

How we do it

Step 1

Just like everyone else, we like dreaming but we prefer doing. We believe you can achieve anything if you plan for it and our mission is all about helping you realise your ambition. The first step to making your dreams a reality
is to register using the button below. Or you can look at Step 2.

Step 2

We know that everyone is different, so we’ll spend time getting to know you and what you want from your future finances. Once you’ve registered we’ll request information from your BT scheme(s). We’ll also ask you to complete the “Who am I” section of this site. We’ll ask for information about you and start learning about your hopes and dreams. Remember to continue on to this section once you’ve registered.

Step 3

Once you’ve registered we’ll work with you to develop a tailored plan so you can make the most of your life after work. The first step is arranging an advice meeting and we’ll get in touch within 48h of registering to arrange this. It will be booked for at least 2 weeks post your registration to allow time for your BT schemes to supply your pension details to us. We’ll also send you a welcome pack so that you can prepare for the meeting. As part of this we’ll ask you to complete an online form in advance of the meeting.

Where do we go from here?

Are you ready to start putting your plan in place? Let’s make it happen. Once you’ve registered we’ll set to work behind the scenes and get in touch to arrange an advice meeting.

About us

We help people make informed decisions

Our affordable, impartial advice helps you better understand your financial situation, the implications of different choices and how to develop a plan to achieve your personal goals.

Our guiding principles

We help people

We’re open and honest in our approach and we’re committed to helping people make the right decisions for their future. We listen, learn and then advise people on how they can live the life they want to lead. Our advisers are fully qualified, authorised and committed to delivering the highest quality of financial guidance and advice.

We’re passionate about
what we do

Whether it’s helping someone over the phone, face-to face or online, we always put the customer first and we bring passion to everything we do. This passion is focused on helping you find your ‘safe place’, making your money work for you and your loved ones. We love our job because every day we go home knowing we have made a difference.

We make advice affordable and accessible for all

We believe financial advice should be available for everyone. That’s why our service is affordable and inclusive. Consultation fees are £995 plus VAT (or £600 plus VAT for DC only benefits).

Fees may be charged for work completed if you choose to exit part way through the advice journey.

We believe in simple communication

The financial industry is known for being over-complicated and we don’t think it has to be. While the topics we talk about are always serious, often quite complex, our focus is providing information in a way that’s easy to understand, enabling you to make informed choices.